Most of our money goes right into bottles of this and bottles of that once you finish setting up the perfect environment. why not start making your own? its quite easy!
Im going to introduce you guys to Korean natural farming! (KNF) KNF is a way of taking from the land respectively, fermenting, and then returning to the earth. fermenting is great!
Fermenting will draw from deep in the cells, compounds which are not available in raw form by proliferation of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.
You could hop on the latest dick riding train and buy some plant “tonics” for your garden. OR you could just turn to the old school way that has been happening for a long time.
First thing is the lactic acid bacteria. You will use this in all of your ferments to help with the fermentation.
check out my thread over at Lactic acid bacteria serum! Aka LABS
After you make that everything else is very simple. Fermented plant juice FPJ, fermented fruit juice FFJ, Oriental herbal nutrient OHN, oriental immune booster OIB, Indigenous micro organisms IMO.
you can survive with just making FFJs and FPJs. you can make it with anything but they best things are fast growing plants in your local area. Clover, Alfalfa, Comfrey, Stinging nettle, etc.
collect the growing tips of these plants with respect and say your thanks to each being to take from.
roughly chop these up and weigh them.
Mix 1:1 with an organic sugar source. leave in a covered jar (3\4 full) for about a week or two.
squeez all the liquid out and collect it. use at 1 tsp per gallon.
Lets say you went and got some stinging nettle and alfalfa and some clover blossoms. then went and collected some brown kelp. mix 1:1 sugar source. ferment, press and strain, collect. then youll have all the nutrients youll need to get started. once you get started youll start fermenting everything though so proceed with caution;)
I hope you all enjoy this!