IMO Baths use the heat of indigenos micro organisms to generate unique IR band heat that penetrates deep into the body to heal. The heat can get the body to a much higher temperature than by steam or sauna. This dry heat that will not burn you is caused by micro organisms making love.
As a person lay buried in the pile of active microbes the body is warmed, and the pores open and sweat begins to emerge. The micro organisms swim in this sweat and freely enter the body to create an armor within the skin. This extra layer of microbes is like putting on an immune system coat, the microbes will live symbiotically with you and protect you from malicious invasion.
Nutrient Dense Foods for Human Health
The food we put in our body is one of the most important factors of health. Just like the fuel you put in a machine will determine its performance, the food we eat will determine our abilities to function at full capacity.
Thinking about what you eat eats. That second layer of not just is this an apple, but what is in the apple.
Plants grow according to a natural cycle and that is what Korean Natural Farming seeks to understand and complement. As natural farmers we can apply nutrients when the plant is ready for it, and this will help the plant pack extra nutrients into it’s body.
Indigenous Micro Organisms in the soil as well seek out natural minerals and nutrients in exchange for sugars from the plant. The plant turns a lot of the sunlight energy it collects into sugars specifically to feed the soil micro organisms to barter for nutrients. By altering the sugars different colonies of microbes flourish and will solubilize and concentrate different nutrients. This way the plant can select what nutrient it would like delivered from the soil. By changing the biology, the pH changes and different nutrients are solubilized and made plant available right in the root zone.
Bacteria also colonize in the root zone where then nematodes and protozoa can come to feed and release the nitrogen rich excrement right where the plant can absorb it.